• Areopagitica 

      Milton, John (Cambridge University Press, 1918)
      An edition based upon Sir Richard Jebb's lectures at Cambridge in 1872, with extensive notes and commentaries on this famous work. Milton's famous defence of freedom of speech. It was a protest against Parliament's ordinance ...
    • Areopagitica 

      Milton, John (Arc Manor, 2008)
      This is Milton's astonishing call from 1644 for complete freedom of speech and an end to any government censorship. He argues passionately yet logically in a text that still has much to teach us today, and which gives a ...
    • Paradise lost 

      Milton, John (thewritedirection.net, 2004)
      Milton's story has two narrative arcs, one about Satan (Lucifer) and the other following Adam and Eve. It begins after Satan and the other rebel angels have been defeated and banished to Hell, or, as it is also called in ...
    • Paradise regained 

      Milton, John (thewritedirection.net, 2004)
      Paradise Regained is the idea of reversals. As implied by its title, Milton sets out to reverse the "loss" of Paradise. Thus, antonyms are often found next to each other, reinforcing the idea that everything that was lost ...