الآن تُعرض المواد 881 -- 900 من 1108

    • Investments 

      Bodie, Zvi; Kane, Alex; Marcus., Alan J. (The McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011)
      Investments sets the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks with a perfect blend of theory and practice, appropriate rigor, and a clear writing style.The unifying theme throughout the text is that investors' ...
    • সাজাহান 

      রায়, দ্বিজেন্দ্রলাল (বিশ্বসাহিত্য কেন্দ্র, 2011)
      দ্বিজেন্দ্রলাল রায়ের সার্থক নাটক বলা যেতে পারে। কেননা নাটকের ভাষা ও সংলাপ সহজবোধ্য এবং সুস্পষ্ট। কোনরূপ জটিলতা দেখা যায় না। পুত্রস্নেহ ও আহত সম্রাটের গর্বের দ্বন্দ সংলাপে সুস্পষ্টভাবে ধরা পড়ে। সুতারাং, বলা যেতে পারে যারা ...
    • Financial management: theory and practice 

      Ehrhardt, Michael C.; Brigham, Eugene F. (South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011)
      Give future and current managers a thorough understanding of the financial theory that is essential for developing and implementing effective financial strategies in business today. Brigham/Ehrhardt's leading Financial ...
    • Principles of accounting 

      Needles, Belverd E.; Powers, Marian; Crosson, Susan V. (South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011)
      Needles/Powers/Crosson delivers interactive pedagogy by illustrating accounting principles and real-world examples to encourage critical thinking. This revision is based on an understanding of the nature, culture, and ...
    • International marketing: emerging markets 

      Zou, Shaoming; Fu, Huifen (Editors) (Emerald Group Publishing, 2011)
      The global financial crisis has accelerated the shift of economic power from the West to the East. The emerging markets have become the main engine of global economic growth and firms from emerging markets are playing an ...
    • Martin's physical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences: physical chemical and biopharmaceutical principles in the pharmaceutical sciences 

      Sinko, Patrick J.; Singh, Yashveer (Walter Kluer, 2011)
      "Martin's Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences" is considered the most comprehensive text available on the application of the physical, chemical and biological principles in the pharmaceutical sciences. It helps ...
    • Logistics & supply chain management 

      Christopher, Martin (Pearson Education Limited, 2011)
      Effective development and management of your supply chain network will cut your costs and enhance your customer value. This is a sustainable source of advantage in today’s turbulent global marketplace, where demand is ...
    • Management information systems 

      O'Brien, James A.; Marakas, George M. (McGraw-Hill/ Irwin, 2011)
      O'Brien defines technology and then explains how companies use the technology to improve performance. Real world cases finalise the explanation.
    • International business: competing in the global marketplace 

      Hill, Charles W. L. (McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2011)
      Market-defining since it was first introduced, International Business 8e by Charles W. L. Hill, continues to set the standard for international business textbooks. In writing the book, Charles Hill draws on his experience ...
    • Database system concepts 

      Silberschatz, Abraham; Korth, Henry F; Sudarsham (McGraw - Hill, 2011)
      Database System Concepts by Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan is now in its 6th edition and is one of the cornerstone texts of database education. It presents the fundamental concepts of database management in an intuitive ...
    • Control systems engineering 

      Nise, Norman S. (John Wiley and Sons, 2011)
      This book introduces students to the theory and practice of control systems engineering. The text emphasizes the practical application of the subject to the analysis and design of feedback systems. The study of control ...
    • An introduction to waste water treatment 

      Templeton, Michael; Butler, David (Bookboon.com, 2011)
      This book is intended to provide an introduction to the technical concepts of wastewater treatment. It assumes that the reader has at least a first year undergraduate level of scientific understanding but necessarily any ...
    • Elements of hindu law 

      Routh, S.K. (Comilla Law Book, 2011)
      "Elements of Hindu Law" by S. K. Routh, clear and lucid style, the book is rich in contents and exhibits great learning and industry on the part of the author. the work may be justly regarded as the locus classic’s on the ...
    • Financial and managerial accounting 

      Needles, Belverd E. Jr.; Powers, Marian; Crosson, Susan V. (South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011)
      Needles/ Powers/ Crosson delivers interactive pedagogy by illustrating accounting principles and real-world examples to encourage critical thinking. This revision is based on an understanding of the nature, culture, and ...
    • International marketing 

      Cateora, Philip R.; Gilly, Mary C.; Graham, John L. (McGraw-Hill/ Irwin, 2011)
      Cateora and Graham’s International Marketing is far and away the best selling text in the field, with a pioneering approach to making the material accessible and relevant that has become the standard by which other books ...
    • Hospital Pharmacy 

      Stephens, Martin (Pharmaceutical press, 2011)
      Hospital Pharmacy outlines the changes in pharmacy practice within the hospital setting and discusses the vast range of services that are provided. Each chapter is devoted to an area of pharmacy practice and discusses its ...
    • Development of administrative law in Bangladesh: outcomes and prospects 

      Talukder, S. M. Hassan (Bangladesh Law Research Centre, 2011)
      The present work entitled "Development of Administrative Law in Bangladesh: Outcomes and Prospects" is specially designed to delineate the outcomes and prospects of the development of Administrative Law in Bangladesh since ...
    • Modern drying technology 

      Edited by Tsotsas, Evangelos; Mujumdar, Arun S. (Wiley-VCH, 2011)
      This book discusses how desired properties of foods, biomaterials, active pharmaceutical ingredients, and fragile aerogels can be preserved during drying, and how spray drying and spray fluidized bed processes can be used ...
    • Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology 

      Hall, John E. (Elsevier, 2011)
      The twelfth edition of Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology continues this best-selling title's long tradition as one of the world's favorite physiology textbooks. The immense success of this book is due to its ...
    • Electric circuits 

      Nilsson, James W.; Riedel, Susan A. (Prentice Hall, 2011)
      Electric Circuits 9/e is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook of the past 25 years. As this book has evolved over the years to meet the changing learning styles of students, importantly, the underlying ...